Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daddy Warbucks

As I share in the outrage over the bonuses paid to AIGers (why weren't they smart enough to call them something else? deferred salary? housing allowance?) I realize that we do have a classed society. It seems to our leaders that rich sobs get to have their contracts honored while the UAW and other workers have theirs abrogated as a required part of the auto bailout. Is that about right?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Into the Drink!

Poor poor pitiful me! Not only did I forfeit my DESERVED vacation, but someone videoed my topless act after I was toppled over into the Charles River on that deceptively gorgeous Sunday morning. The events of that summer, exploits on Boston waterways to avoid the depredations of the Big Dig, dead priests littering the Freedom Trail, are well recounted in PREY FOR THE CHURCH, the first of my series.